Plant Feature Definitions
Select a plant for detailed information regarding where you can plant it, the flowering colour and how big it will eventually grow. Please read the full definitions below for more details.
Plant naming and description

Plant specifics (see descriptions below)

Hardiness Zone
Did you know every region in the US & Canada is designated a Hardiness Zone number? The lower the number, the colder it is in that region. You should always choose a plant that has the same zone as your location, or lower. This will ensure your plants will survive the winter in your area.
Living on the edge of a zone? Opt for the lower number to ensure survival in the coldest of winters.
Refer to our Hardiness Zone map to help you understand what plants would suit your geographic area based on average annual temperatures.

Height & Spread
These measurements define the maximum height and spread (width) of the plant at its maturity.
An important factor when locating around your house or other garden plants/elements.
Flower Colour
The flower colour allows you to select plants that enhance your garden’s theme, create a mood or accent other plants.
Have fun and design a garden with whimsical colours or a more formal design where you become the artist!
Feel happy, relaxed and enjoy the world of colours that are available to transform your garden today.
A patented plant is a distinct variety of plant granted to the inventor/discoverer who have spent years or decades of research and testing. This patent protects the intellectual property surrounding its unique characteristics.
Photo Details
The imagery used within this website will indicate the copyright owner of the image(s) represented, where applicable.
Brand Logo
The brand logo will display for plants sold with permission by the registered organization, where applicable.
Please read the full definitions below for more details.
For plant characteristic definitions click here.
For plant sizing definitions click here.